

Okay, so as I'm sitting here sipping on some morning tea in my cute little snowman mug...

I have to apologize. I have been doing an awful job of keeping this ol' blog up to date. So I am now making a Thanksgiving resolution to keep it up more often. Things have been crazy but they're slowing down, so I'll be on here lots more than I have been.

I haven't done a great job of updating about Zack either. So I am going to post some Frequently Asked Questions for everyone to look over and memorize and there WILL be a 50 point quiz at the end of this post. Okay, here goes:

Q. So has Zack shot anyone over there??
A. No he has not, praise God. There have been some very close calls, but as of yet he has not. And we can keep praying that he won't ever have to.

Q. How often do you get to talk to him?
A. It depends.. It depends on the day, on the week, on the month. For the most part, every 2 days or so. It all depends if and when he's on convoys, and because convoys require no sleeping practically, then he DOES need to get at least 3 hours catch up (I swear that kid has insomnia). Plus they are 8 hours ahead of us. Sometimes these are 5 minutes conversations, sometimes they're 20 minutes, sometimes they're 2 hours... So it really all depends on a lot of different factors.

Q. Do you usually talk on the phone?
A. No. We both have macbooks, so we use a program called "iChat" which is basically like AOL instant messenger for macs, but is way cooler ;) Our "phone-ing" has been rare. I usually talk to him on the phone once or twice a month... Recently he called me twice this week :) So that's been a blessing.

Q. Do you get to skype a lot?
A. Not really... We video probably as much as we talk on the phone. Internet connection over there is busted. So when we do it's kinda choppy and goes in and out and is hard to understand each other... Sometimes videoing can make things a lot harder too. It does help in a way to see him and know that he's ok and is still the same person, and seeing him laugh is like the best thing ever, but pushing the "end video" button is pretty rough.

Q. When is he coming home?
A. Honestly, no one knows. He could come home anywhere from tomorrow all the way through June. (Obviously he's not coming home tomorrow, sorry to shatter your dreams... but that's how unpredictable the military is). We are basically just praying at this point that the Lord brings him home SOON and SAFE!! The original month was Marchish/Aprilish. So that's what we're going to stick with at this point.

Q. Where are you guys going to live when he comes home?
A. Good question, one of which I try not to let myself think too much about until we know definite timing. "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord "plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."
- jeremiah 29:11
I am pretty much going by this verse. And also "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
- matthew 6:34
Basically... Let's just get through each day and worry about the next when it comes.

Q. Is Zack going to be ok when he gets home?
A. Yeah, Zack is going to be fine, because he's resting on a power that is far greater and above any war here on earth. I do think he is going to be different, and we will probably have different issues that we are going to have to work on together. I guess just like in any marriage, but deployment complicates things juuuuust a little. So I'm sure we will be working hard and praying even harder. At the same time, it's impossible not to be effected by being over there. Soldiers are constantly in "war mode". Meaning they have the "kill or I will be killed" mindset at all times. I'm sure that effects how his day to day life is going to be when he gets back, but resting on the power of the Lord is our only hope. And the fact that the Lord wants our marriage to thrive is pretty comforting!!

Q. Is Zack going to graduate when he gets back?
A. Well, Lord willing he won't have to! He's taking his last 2 classes over there right now! They are his last 2 in order to get his batchelor's, and they're online so it's kind of rough... But that will be a huge blessing if he is finished by the time he gets home.

Q. What happens next?
A. Praying. Just keep praying. As of right now Zack is looking around at different seminaries all over America. So if the Lord wills, then that's what's next. But who knows!!

So there's a little window into our world. These are definitely the top questions that people ask me on a daily/weekly basis. Hope it helps! (Lucky for you guys I have to run... I'll have to quiz you when I see you ;) )

Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!! Make sure you give your significant other a big kiss and tell them how thankful you are for them :)

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