
2 years and Counting...

Today is a pretty special day to me & Zack... Let me tell you why:::

2 years ago on November 27th I was sitting in Zack's apartment and we were watching a movie with his craazy awesome roommates, and I got a phone call from my mom. I walked outside his apartment so I could hear what she was saying. She told me my Poppop had a stroke, and he was being flown in a helicopter from their cozy little home in Avalon, NJ to Philadelphia where he would be taken care of. I was shocked. Nothing like this had ever happened to my grandparents, so it was scary. I was scared. I went back into Zack's apartment and sat on the couch. We hadn't started dating yet.. So I felt weird just bombarding him with all my fears and worries, but he could tell something was wrong and asked me if I was okay. It took a few minutes but I told him my Pop had a stroke, and he was being flown to the hospital. The first thing Zack asked me was "Well when can we go visit him?" I was shocked... This kid wanted to go visit my sick grandfather?? He must really care about me or something...

The next day, as soon as I got off work we drove downtown to see my Pop. Little did we know that this next year he would just be deteriorating. Pop seemed okay, he seemed a little out of it, but for the most part okay. I felt comforted knowing that Zack was there and cared. A little surprised he cared THAT much, but so thankful. We drove home, at this point it was late, dark and cold. We decided to go out for a breath of fresh air. We walked down to the playground by my house, where we had gone before, one of the first times we had hung out. We were standing by the slide, and he pulled me closer, and I could tell he was nervous about something. I asked him what was up, and through a bunch of different tantrums and word vomiting, he finally said, "will you be my girlfriend??" I smiled the biggest smile in the world and said yes. As soon as I did, A THOUSAND WILD GEESE started honking their brains out!!! We laughed because we were being applauded by our unknown spectators :) It was definitely one of the most amazing nights of our history.

2 years later, we're married, and he still gives me the butterflies, just as much as he did the first time.

I hope everyone had a thankful Thanksgiving! I was at the in-laws, and they saved Zack the HUGE turkey leg for when he comes home. Oh... and I may or may not have found my new favorite picture in the world.... oops!

Sorry Zack and Rachel... Please don't kill me, but this is the most amazing photo I have ever seen, especially because you still look EXACTLY THE SAME!! <3

Happy 2 Year Anniversary, babe. I miss you and LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!

Okay.. So originally I had ended the post there... But then I thought it was kind of unfair to embarrass Zack so much, because we ALL know he's sitting at home turning purple. So here ya go, babe, this evens it up a little bit.

YES, I was bald until I was 3, and YES that is perfectly normal and YES I fully embrace it.

I love strolling down memory lane :)

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