

Blog, "You know Alli... I've been feeling really neglected these days. And don't think you can just post once or twice and totally make up for it. No. It's going to take more than that."

Alli, "You're totally right. Please forgive me Mr. Blog. Not only has my life been taken up by Downton Abbey, 2 wild puppies, and a husband... But I also just started a new full time+ job, and let's just say the hours that I spend blogging have significantly been reduced. Please accept my apology. It has been totally inconsiderate of me."

Blog, "I don't know if I can. What is this new job anyway?? It better be worth all the neglect you've been putting me through."

Alli, "Well, I've been a full time nanny for about a month now, and let me just tell you, the kids are adorable. But I promise I will no longer continue to neglect you. I feel really bad for whatever I've put you through."

Blog, "Okay... I guess I can forgive you.. As long as you can promise that the kids aren't as cute as I am."

I don't know if I can... But don't tell Mr. Blog.

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