
Morning Walks

Now that the weather has been absolutely GORG lately, Mona and I have really enjoyed our morning walks. And by enjoy, I really mean she runs around like a wild chicken with her head cut off and I'm trailing behind yelling at her trying to gain some control. Ohhhh, life with a puppy. So entertaining. But the weather has literally been perf lately. Perf for January 25 especially. Currently:::

Anyway, as we were walking along, I'm glad I had my phone on me, because as the sun was peeking over the buildings in my apartment complex, the colors were just fabulous and vibrant. Absolutely a perfect way to start the day (including the warm pot of hazelnut/french vanilla coffee my husband had brewed for me. What a doll).

AND, for some random advice of the day, I HIGHLY recommend everyone going to see Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. 

Talk about a tear jerker.... But such a good reminder to continue to pray for all those who live their lives today still affected by the terrible disaster of 9/11. 

Have a great Wednesday, everyone and don't forget to count your blessings :)

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