
RTS Christmas Party

So I've been playing Christmas music pretty much 24/7 for the last couple weeks. I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit!!! Usually Christmas music and Christmas lights will do it for me... But this year I just can't seem to grasp that holiday nostalgia! I don't know why... Maybe because this year we're not getting a Christmas tree... (Because we are flying home for the holidays). Or maybe it's because it's been a steady 75 degrees out. Which DON'T GET ME WRONG... I'm loving it. Where else can you lay by the pool in mid December?! It's pretty amaz. Anywayz, RTS had a Christmas party last week and I got to photograph the families that came. Seeing everyone dressed up in wintery garb and singing Christmas carols, I have to admit, it did inch me a little bit closer to the Christmasy mood.

I think once the plane touches down on the Philadelphia airport, and I walk outside and feel the cold crisp wintery air... (After shedding a few frozen tears because my toes will be instantly frostbitten...) I will start to feel my spirit instantly switch into Christmas Cheer. Can't wait to come home!!!!

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