OK. Really the purpose of this post is to inform you as to what has been going on. NOTHING. We are cleaning up the base and getting ready to depart these lands like Moses out of Egypt. This brings me to my next topic as to WHEN i am coming home. There have been rumors that I would be home early and this and that. Well they are semi true. They are already beginning to send people home from my unit. As for me, what I am hearing from the higher ups is that we are scheduled to leave here sometime in February. Most likely early February. That is all that we know right now. There are no details as far as dates. Once we leave Iraq it will still be a few days before we reach NJ again. We will becoming home basically in the reverse order we left. SO. This is my email zviscomi@gmail.com. If you have an questions or want to know more specifics as time goes on you can reach me there. Otherwise, I will see you sometime in the future.
Love you all,
OoooooooooKAAAAAY people, Alli here, haha. Happy Holidays as well and I hope everyone is getting their Christmas shopping done!! I know that I'M not, so good luck to the rest of you! Yes, this news is very exciting about Zack coming home and we will all pee our pants a little when the time comes to see his precious little face. But as of right now the details above are all we have, and we will be sure to let you all know when we know more specifics. And sorry that this announcement has to come through a blog post, but we just figured it was the best way to tell ALL of you at once, rather than making 338925789 phone calls, because no one has time for that. But we love you all! And we will let you know when there's more specifics!
PS- Zack & I were just talking about how nervous we were when he proposed, and he just said, "I was shaking like a naked Chihuahua in the middle of January in the Alps!" BAHAHHahahahahhahahh.

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