
DIY Mint Frames & An Update On the Viscomiz

Well this could possibly be my first DIY post! Actually I highly doubt it, but let's just pretend it is for the sake of... well... stretching our imaginations. We don't do that enough as old people.

So Zack and I are in the process of moving! We are moving exactly 11.5 miles closer to the downtown of Orlando, and all the other little towns that we love. Actually, towns? I guess they should be called Parks. Winter Park, College Park, Baldwin Park. What's with all the "PARKS"??? So for the last week or so we have been packing, painting, packing, painting and more packing. It's been LOADS of fun. When it comes to "stuff", because every family has "stuff", I'm definitely a thrower-outter. Zack is a Keep-Everything-I've-Ever-Seen-In-My-Entire-Lifer. It's a pretty great combination, but praise the Lord we can find the humor in it all.

I'm getting way off track. So we've been excited to be in our new place! It has it's own yard where the puppies can run and play and tussle all around (instead of doing it on top of us 24/7). It has beautiful distressed wooden floors, cute little bedrooms and even a set of SALOON DOORS! Yes. I just said saloon doors. We're hyped about those saloon doors. So we've been excited to decorate and just be as creative as we want to be... WHICH leads me to this post. My DIY mint frames. Zack and I bought mint paint a while back because we wanted to paint my cruiser mint. Great idea. We just don't have the space to do it in our apartment. So the mint paint has just been sitting there, staring at me, looking all cute. So I couldn't stand it anymore I had to do something.

My mother in law gave me these 11x14 frames when we first moved down to Florida. 

And while I do love me some HUGE gold frames, filled with Zack's handsome face....

I knew we could spice them up a bit. So one morning in the midst of our packing, we got a little sidetracked, and with a combination of my cutie mint paint, and Zack's blue paint, a trip to Walmart to grab mini clothespins and twine, 

we created these! I printed out like 400 instagram pictures of Mona (yes I'm obsessed with my mini pug get over it)

Cut them and clothespinned them to my little frames. And whatdoyaknow, I kinda like them. This is just the first of many fun projects so STAY tuned, party people! 

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