Calling all brides! Calling all brides... So one of the most fun/spectacular things about planning your wedding is that you get to be creative with like everything!!
A lot of you may not know... But for our first year of marriage Zack was deployed to Iraq. It sucked. The end. So, we got legally married before he left, and while he was gone I planned the BIG/public/amazing wedding to have when he got back. In between these 2 weddings we took a spectacular 4 week honeymoon to Italy, where we traveled all over the country! It was absolutely amazing.
Anwho, because this trip meant so much to both of us, I knew that I wanted to incorporate it into the wedding, and duh I had like 109309380428e0198402w pictures from it, so I at least wanted to use a couple.
Instead of just regular table numbers, I used different cities/towns/provinces where Zack and I visited in Italy. And then as name cards I drew a little Venetian gondola to tie the whole Italy theme in.
A lot of you may not know... But for our first year of marriage Zack was deployed to Iraq. It sucked. The end. So, we got legally married before he left, and while he was gone I planned the BIG/public/amazing wedding to have when he got back. In between these 2 weddings we took a spectacular 4 week honeymoon to Italy, where we traveled all over the country! It was absolutely amazing.
Anwho, because this trip meant so much to both of us, I knew that I wanted to incorporate it into the wedding, and duh I had like 109309380428e0198402w pictures from it, so I at least wanted to use a couple.
Instead of just regular table numbers, I used different cities/towns/provinces where Zack and I visited in Italy. And then as name cards I drew a little Venetian gondola to tie the whole Italy theme in.
Photo Credit: Sarah Schulte Photography
OKAY. So why am I calling all brides and blabbing on about my wedding details. WELL, DUH?! Because this is your wedding, this is your time to shine out and exercise every creative muscle in your body!! And if you don't have one? Then exercise your best friend's!!!! And if she doesn't have one? Well, then there's always pinterest. Either way, personalize it!
You want every guest to leave your wedding, shaking their head and say, "Everything about that wedding was special, it was so and " (Insert bride & groom's name here).
I have a great centerpiece idea for those of you who LOVE to travel. I shot a dinner for RTS Orlando the other day and one of the faculty members brought this centerpiece and I almost died. I LOVE IT.
So, I don't know, I guess all I'm saying is take the extra time, make your wedding about you and your newly-to-be husband, and it will be memorable throughout all the ages! :D
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