
Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Dear Gecky,

I'm a little saddened to write this letter to you today. I guess it comes from somewhat of a broken heart. I haven't seen you perched on our deck in months. Please... Please, don't say it's because the weather hasn't been warm enough to come out of hiding. I know that's not true. It's been in the 80's the past few weeks. I guess... I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I miss you. Please don't take this the wrong way, but your cousin came and visited us. It was refreshing to see that someone cares about us. El Greeno graced us with his presence a few nights ago. I put him on a leaf and carried him into the house, I was overjoyed. Maybe that wasn't a good idea because he might have gotten loose, and let me tell you Gecky, El Greeno is a quick one... Eventually though we caught him and sent him on his way with a package of cookies as a thank you for coming to visit us. Maybe one day you'll come back to us? I think you should... I'm not sitting outside every day waiting eagerly for you or anything... But it'd be nice to bond again. Hope all is well.

Your loving landlords,
Alli and Zack Viscomi

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