

I love the sunshine down here. I am obsessed. Every shoot I do, every picture I take, I center it around the sun. The time of day, the angle of the camera, the frame of the photo... Everything. It makes everything so gorgeous. I'm not really sure when my obsession with this "Flare" started.

I remember the days back with my tiny little point-and-shoot camera when my best friend and I would take our old, busted-up camera, set it on this huge tripod (named Ferdinand) and traipse around the world shooting our Flare. Literally! Whether it was Ecuador, the Beach, Philadelphia, wherever! You would find us crouched behind our out-of-date camera and tripod capturing the Flare.

This was taken sitting on Ferdinand about 4 years ago in Bradley Beach. WOW. Talk about FLARE.


My bestie took this of me while in Ecuador. And yes I AM hugging Ferdinand our tripod. He came everywhere with us. He was our little pet.

This is Nienk in Ecuador on the beach. Heavenly.

AND... It's pretty dang safe to say that my Hubbs has mastered the Flare. You could say he's a Flare Master. A MastFlare. A FlareSter. Hmmm. He probably won't fancy those names too much. Oh well.. Here's to the FlaMastere!!

The best thing about the Flare is that it will never change. The sun will always be as glorious and bright as it was 4 years ago when the first photo was taken.

"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised."
- psalm 113:3

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