
The Smoothie Queen

So, no big deal, first game virtually means nothing - duh. I'm not worried about it. Plus we played like crap, and I'm pretty sure every Eagles player, coach, and sideline ref got injured that game. SO, no bigs, we got the next one.

We are having another episode of "Salute and TheBoot" today! Who's excited????

Today's Salute goes to:: Smooothiesssss! Seriously. I could have like 5 a day if I let myself. Look at that beauty!!

Thanks to my new Magic Bullet (thanks MOM and DAD) and our AWESOME new glasses (Thanks Aunt Peg and Sar!) that smoothie is pure perfection!!

Today's TheBoot goes to:: The Eagles. Enough said. You get TheBOOT today. But it's ok I still love you.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see your using THE BULLET Alli!! we use ours every day....What eagles?? Did they play Sunday????? GO PHILLIES!!!

Donna Stark said...

smoothy heaven!!!! looks yummy..enjoy!