From the Executive Officer (XO),
Dear Family, Friends, Marines & Sailors,
By the time you receive this, you are that much closer to both being with and seeing your loved one, or you are already with him or her. I wish you all the best in your reunions, and I truly appreciate your support of the troops. The reintegration back home is one which requires patience on all fronts, as we (Marines & Sailors) also have to "fall in" on the way that you've been managing the home fires for quite some time. Regardless, this is a great time to re-connect and catch up with each other - there are many stories to be had by all. The Marines & Sailors from this deployment have performed well, contributing in total to the good reputation of the battalion, and the Navy and Marine Corps as a whole, both active and reserve forces. Despite the closure that our tour brings to Operation Iraqi Freedom, let us not forget the sacrifices that many have made along this path to freedom. The true value of our service is knowing that our contributions, in some way, great or small, have made the world a better place. So again, thank you, too, for your love, patience, good wishes and support.
As I've stated before, I am very proud to have been a part of this organization, and I would consider it a great honor to work with your Marines & Sailors again. They're a great bunch, and it has been my personal honor to be here with them. Thank you all, again, for your sacrifices in being a part of us, and taking care of the kids, sending care packages, handling those extra assignments at work, thinking about us, saying extra prayers, mowing the lawn, running extra errands, and doing all those extra things in our absence. Best of luck, and may you experience fair winds and following seas in the travels ahead, OOH RAH!!
Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful), LtCol Liddi
Awww. I don't know about you but, MY heart is WARMED.
For some funsies photos :)
Ummmm, Does this look familiar to anyone??? Weird, haha.
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